Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On Miss Alaska, Sara Palin of Wasilla

I guess most Americans enjoy hearing simple, sing-song verbage. Like her 'hopey-changey thing' or 'you betcha'. And I would bet most Americans don't read Time Magazine, Newsweek, or The Wall Street Journal. So that tells me Mrs. Palin fits in with the average American, which is fine. And she certainly has the "almighty dollar" as her goal and motivation. She left that post as governor so quickly she was still dragging office supplies that stuck to her skirt when flew out the door, into her soccer mom vehicle and straight to a $250,000 gig over at Fox. (per episode! She is beholding to an often many of those corporations out there. The ones that donatie, buy the seats at her fundraising dinners, and then there are the "tea-party folks" Created before our eyes on Fox news. Even duplicating footage from weeks before to show hou much a "party" was the tea party.

So to give a fact or two before finishing this entry, the average American can comprehend at the 5th grade level. And thee people vote? 'some do and some dont'. I know I've been shuffled around by volunteers who weren't sure where I need to.

But imagine the leader of the most powerful (?) nation in the world being chosen by a majority of people with a mediam graduation age of 16. That is why I have educated by daughter with regard to the workings of government. What is everyone else doing? Quitting their jobs for self-aggrandizing greed? Blaming others for entrapment with questions like - what magazines or newspapers to you read? Ooo, didn't see that one coming. We can clean up our accents and our diction, but we can't take that 12 year old any further beyond the narcissitic beauty queen. So how's that beatin' fish to bloody a death and shooting , albeit missing, your rifle, so how's the beatin and shooten thing going for ya?

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